What is a Gradle Task alias
Suppose we have a gradle file as below
task copyAllFiles(){
println "copyAllFiles"
task copySomeFiles(){
println "copyAllFiles"
task copyParticularFiles(){
println "copyAllFiles"
Now to run the above tasks we have to run the following commands
gradle -q copyAllFiles
gradle -q copySomeFiles
gradle -q copyParticularFiles
However we can also run the gradle tasks by unique names that diffrenetiates the tasks for example
gradle -q cAF // short form for copyAllFiles
gradle -q cSF // short form for copySomeFiles
gradle -q cPF // short form for copyParticularFiles
but if we run a task with a short name that does not uniquely define a task then it will trow an exception. for example
gradle -q copy
will throw the execption
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task 'copy' is ambiguous in root project 'Gradle Tutorial'. Candidates are: 'copyAllFiles', 'copyParticularFiles', 'copySomeFiles'.
Also note, that the characters used for short form are case sensitive, so cAF
will run the task copyAllFiles
but caf
will not.
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