This test contains 10 questions based on Fundamentals Of Java. Each question answered correctly awards you 1 point and each incorrect answer has a penalty of -0.25 points, no points are deducted for unattempted answers.
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Which of the following is not a conditional statement.
while | if |
for | do while |
Which of the following is not a keyword in java.
volatile | clazz |
private | transient |
Which of the following is not an Object.
Integer | Boolean |
String | char |
Which of these is invalid.
char A = 1 | char A = 'A' |
char A = "A" | Both A and C |
Which of the following is the parent class of all the classes.
Lang | Object |
Java | None of these |
Can we force garbace collection in Java.
Yes | No |
Which of the following is not a type of variable.
transient | volatile |
native | final |
How many diffrent values can an integer have in java.
28 | 216 |
232 | 264 |
What will be the output of the following program.
class A{
public static void main(String args[]){
char a = 1;
int n = 1;
System.out.println(a == n);
Compilation Error | true |
false | None of these |
Which of the following is an invalid in java
a = ++a; | a -= --a; |
a %= a; | None of these |
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