Points To Remember We can implement Runnable interface or extend Thread class to create threads. We have to override the run() method to define the functionality of thread. We should call start() method to start execution of a thread as a new entity, if we call run() method on a thread then it will not start a new thread. We cannot guarantee which thread will execute first even if we prioritize the threads. A thread whose run() method is executed completely reaches the dead state and cannot be invoked again. Program : Making 3 Threads using Thread Class In the following example we are making three different threads in the class Test which extends the Thread class. We just pass a parameter name to each object of Test thread to distinguish between them. class Test extends Thread{ String name; public Test(String name){ this.name = name; } public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("main started"); Thread t1 = new Thread(new Test("Th...