Different ways of creating Objects
- Using new operator.
- Using Class.forName() and newInstance().
- Using Factory Methods
- Using Object cloning
- Using Object deserialization
Object Creation By Different Methods
public class ObjectCreation {
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{
ObjectCreation objecByNewKeyword = createObjecByNewKeyword();
ObjectCreation objecByClassForName = createObjecByClassForName();
ObjectCreation objecByCloning = (ObjectCreation)createObjecByCloning(); // object to be cloned
objecByNewKeyword.show("new keyword");
objecByClassForName.show("using Class.forName and newInstance");
public static ObjectCreation createObjecByNewKeyword(){
ObjectCreation obj = new ObjectCreation();
return obj;
public static ObjectCreation createObjecByClassForName() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException{
ObjectCreation obj = (ObjectCreation)Class.forName("ObjectCreation").newInstance();
return obj;
public static ObjectCreation createObjecByCloning()throws CloneNotSupportedException{
ObjectCreation obj = new ObjectCreation();
ObjectCreation clone = (ObjectCreation)obj.clone();
return clone;
public void show(String msg){
System.out.println("I am an Object created by " + msg);
Output of the above program
I am an Object created by new keyword
I am an Object created by using Class.forName and newInstance
I am an Object created by using cloning
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