Points to Remember Download and install Puttygen to generate the SSH key to be used in GIT. Save the Private Key in a safe location and do not miss it. STEP 1 : Open Puttygen to generate Key Puttygen is a opensource plugin of Putty and is used to create Public/Private keys for WinSCP. When you open the puttygen you will see the following screen as shown in image below Now Select the following Select SSH-2 RSA (Type of key to generate tabs) 1024 (Number of bits to use to generate key) Click Generate button to generate the key. STEP 2 : Generating Key After you click the generate button you will see the following screen Keep clicking on the empty space provided until progress bar reaches the end This is used to create randomness in the key. Once the progress bar reaches the end, it will show the generated key. STEP 3 : Save Public & Private Keys Once your key is generated you will see the public key in the text box at the top as shown in the image below. The screen shows the follow...