Points To Remember Versioning of Controllers can be done in grails with the help of UrlMappings and Namespaces. We can have two or more controllers with the same name as long as they are in different packages and different namespaces . You can map these controllers in UrlMappings like /$namespace/$controller/$action Versioning of Grails Controllers The easiest way of versioning the grails controllers is to do it with the help of namespaces. So in this example we will try to do versioning of the controllers on the basis of namespaces. Test.groovy package com.ekiras.versioning.v1 class TestController { static namespace = "v1" def index() { render "Hi, This is version 1" } } Test.groovy package com.ekiras.versioning.v2 class TestController { static namespace = "v2" def index() { render "Hi, This is version 2" } } UrlMappings class UrlMappings { static mappings = { "/$namespace/$controller/$a...